CRP-200 Dose Tickets And Labels - Case of 1500

Duplicate Tickets with Peel-off, Self-Stick Labels By popular demand we have added the “little patient” to this ticket making it possible to mark the site of injection. Also included, for your convenience, is a place to write the patients Name, I.D. number, Study performed, who administered the dose and when used with the CRC-25R, 25W, or Ultra, one pass through the printer, produces two copies of each ticket and two easy to remove peel-off labels. All tickets and labels are easily separated after printing. Use them for patient charts, department log books, and syringe or vial shields. A special adhesive makes labels easy-to-remove after use.
2-3 Month Lead Time
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Description / CRP-200 Dose Tickets And Labels - Case of 1500

Duplicate Tickets with Peel-off, Self-Stick Labels By popular demand we have added the “little patient” to this ticket making it possible to mark the site of injection. Also included, for your convenience, is a place to write the patients Name, I.D. number, Study performed, who administered the dose and when used with the CRC-25R, 25W, or Ultra, one pass through the printer, produces two copies of each ticket and two easy to remove peel-off labels. All tickets and labels are easily separated after printing. Use them for patient charts, department log books, and syringe or vial shields. A special adhesive makes labels easy-to-remove after use.

More Information

SKU 7120-1240
Shipping Details 16x10x16 @ 37 lbs
Shipping Method UPS
Condition New
Special Price $560.00
International Shipping No
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