NDT - Industrial X-Ray

NDT - Industrial X-Ray

NDT or "Non-Destructive Testing" is for testing procedures used to evaluate properties of materials or components. Checking the surface or bulk samples for defects or cracks is vitally important. NDT can be used to predict or even prevent premature failures that can be costly and catastrophic. NDT can be used in imaging aircarft structures, weld inspections, asset-integrity management, pipeline testing, railway testing, quality control, brides and casting. We are proud to carry an extensive line of NDT accessories designed for Industrial X-ray imaging. 

  • Lead Blocker (7x17 inches)
  • Lead Blocker (4x10 inches)
  • X-Ray in Use or Custom Print LED Lighted Sign
  • X-Ray Pregnancy Sign
  • Caution Radiation Area Sign
  • Lead Blocker (5x8 inches)
  • Copper Filtered and Unfiltered Left and Right Marker Set - Optional Initials
  • Wall Mounted Medical Computer Workstation
  • Guardian 24” x 24” Lead Blanket Radiation Protection
  • Guardian 24” x 48” Lead Blanket Radiation Protection
  • X-Ray Pregnancy Sign, English, Red
  • Arrow X-Ray Lead Marker

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