The Best Protective Radiation Eyewear Against Scatter Radiation

The Best Protective Radiation Eyewear Against Scatter Radiation
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The Best Protective Radiation Eyewear Against Scatter Radiation

By now, you absolutely know just how sensitive your eyes are to radiation. The International Commission on Radiological Protection changed its estimates on the threshold of absorbed dose to just 0.5 Gy. There's nothing more important than proper x-ray eye protection. Fortunately, you have a wide selection of options at Z&Z Medical!


The Dangers of Radiation Exposure to the Eyes

The development of cataracts is the biggest risk of radiation exposure to the eyes. Cataracts are the result of rapid aging in the eyes, and can lead to obscured vision or even blindness, depending on the severity of the condition. Since the ICRP reduced their recommended dose, the medical community has been urged to take greater precautions. The recommended reduction is over seven times the amount of exposure, highlighting the need for all technologists and Radiology personnel to wear better protective eyewear.


Scatter Radiation Protection For Your Eyes

Radiation glasses provide superior shielding during fluoroscopic procedures so you can be sure you're protected from scatter radiation. Glasses today are lightweight and don’t slip during long procedures. All glasses come with an adjustable croaky, cleaning cloth, and safety case.


Not Sure? Try It First!

If you're not sure that a particular pair of radiation glasses is right for you, that's not a problem. Try them for 7 days and return them for a 100% refund if for some reason they don’t fit your needs. Try out a non-prescription pair of frames and see if they fit your needs before you commit. After all, you'll be wearing this pair of glasses for a long time, so you'll want to make sure they're the best fit possible.

Whatever you do, don't hesitate to get the best possible protection for your eyes. Radiation safety glasses are an absolute must, especially when working around scatter radiation. Z&Z Medical is here to help you with selecting the best pair of radiation protection glasses on the market. Let us know if you have any questions on how we can assist you with the purchase of your new glasses.

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