Posts tagged 'Rollator'

National Assisted Living Week 2023

10 months ago
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Falls Prevention Awareness Week

Falls Prevention Awareness Week is a national health campaign with the goal of increasing awareness around falls and injury prevention. Learn about new resources and strengthen community connections to maximize your impact for the 2022 observation September 18-24 at the National Council on Aging website.    

Z&Z Medical is proud to offer a wide variety of products to assist in a variety of healthcare settings. From radiology and imaging departments to nursing homes and home health.   

Email anytime to find a falls prevention product for your immediate needs. We are here to help!

2 years ago
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Z&Z Medical Recognizes National Assisted Living Week

Joyful Moments” is the theme this year and encourages assisted living communities around the country to host a variety of events that honor the individuals who reside, work, and volunteer in these communities while adhering to infection control requirements and precautions in place for COVID-19. Many of us know someone who has either worked or resided in an assisted living environment. Assisted living facilities provide thorough care and a sense of community for older adults and individuals living with disabilities. September 11-17 is a week to point out the amazing things that go on within the world of assisted living and making sure that your loved ones have all the equipment that they need to accomplish day to day activities.  Z&Z Medical has an array of medical home health equipment for every day needs.

2 years ago
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National Assisted Living Week

Many of us know someone who has either worked or resided in an assisted living environment. Assisted living facilities provide thorough care and a sense of community for older adults and individuals living with disabilities. Celebrating National Assisted Living Week gives us a chance to recognize all of the staff, volunteers, and communities that play a vital role in making these facilities a success. September 12-18 is a week to point out the amazing things that go on within the world of assisted living and making sure that your loved ones have all the equipment that they need to accomplish day to day activities.  Z&Z Medical has an array of medical home health equipment.

3 years ago
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