Student and Teacher Discounts on X-Ray Markers for School!

Student and Teacher Discounts on X-Ray Markers for School!
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Student and Teacher Discounts on X-Ray Markers for School!

X-Ray Markers for School

Z&Z Medical is proud to support our Radiology Schools and support the students on their educational journey through school. We also understand being a student is hard on the wallet. We offer a 15% off discount for teachers ordering 20 or more sets of markers for their students and we also offer 10% off markers for existing students who may need to reorder markers for the upcoming school year.

Z&Z Medical is proud to offer Radiology Students a 10% discount off the list price for any x-ray marker set or replacement (right or left marker) with your initials.  We’re excited to partner with you during your time in school.   We understand student budgets and the need for never being without your markers. We are excited that you have chosen the career of Radiology and look forward to providing you the highest quality imaging accessories and markers now and in the future.   Students use Promo Code STUDENT10 at checkout to start saving!

Z&Z Medical carries a wide range of marker styles to meet all school requirements and at fast turn around times.  Have a question about your initials or group orders?  Contact us at with your questions or talk with us online at with our "Live Chat" Option.

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