NEW AC Joint Sandbag Weights
The acromioclavicular joint AP weight-bearing view, is often performed together with the normal non-weight-bearing AP view to help rule out joint displacement when it is suspected but not confirmed on the frontal image. This view is used in the assessment of possible acromioclavicular joint separation and may be done bilaterally to allow comparison of joint spaces between the affected and unaffected side.
Patient is erect using a 5 or 10 lb weight around the wrist of the patient. Amount of weight needed depends on the size of patient. Most professional athletes utilize 10 lb weights whereas the general public generally uses on 5 lbs. The patients back is against the image receptor and the acromioclavicular joint of the affected side is at the center of the image receptor. The affected arm is in a neutral position by the patient’s side with weight around the wrist. This projection can be very painful for a patient with an AC joint injury; it is highly recommended that everything is set up and positioned so that the last thing you do is put the weight around the patient’s wrist. Some radiologist like to image both joints on a single exposure allowing comparison of the two joints so the radiologist can observe the distance between the coracoid process and clavicle on both sides.
Visit our website to purchase your weight bearing sandbags.