Increasing attention to patient comfort

Increasing attention to patient comfort
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Increasing attention to patient comfort

Nobody wants to be sick and no one wants to be in the hospital or in an imaging facility waiting for an examination. While some facilities are building fancy facilities and putting more art on the walls, research shows that doesn’t matter as much to patients as does the basics of comfort and well-being.  Being comfortable and feeling calm is increasingly recognized as equal to disease care itself. This is especially important since patient satisfaction surveys greatly determine in part how much money the government pays for care.

The importance of patient warming in the maintenance of thermal comfort is well supported. Multiple studies have reported an increase in patient satisfaction and perception of thermal comfort and a decrease in patient anxiety especially when it came to pre- and post-operative care or while waiting for a test or exam.  Warm blankets can provide physical and psychological benefits to patients on so many levels. Z&Z Medical carries a wide variety of blanket warmers to provide thermal comfort for patients including portable blanket warmers that can be kept in individual imaging rooms, CT, MRI, or Ultrasound. Visit our website www.zzmedical to learn more.

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