Happy Birthday Caleb Kingery

Happy Birthday Caleb Kingery
Posted in: Company

Happy Birthday Caleb Kingery

We asked our employees two questions this year as they reflect on their birthday and purpose. 

  1. If you could raise awareness about one thing, what would it be? I think, it's crucial for the public to become more aware of the risks associated with the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). While I am an avid supporter of AI and find the field immensely fascinating, it seems we are hastily advancing towards creating a superintelligence without fully understanding the implications. Experts in the field, such as Nick Bostrom and Stuart Russell, have highlighted the potential dangers and the significant challenges related to AI alignment and control. Their insights into the functioning of large language models and the complexities of ensuring their alignment with human values should raise concerns. Bostrom, in his book "Superintelligence," warns of the existential risks posed by advanced AI, and Russell emphasizes the difficulty of maintaining control over systems that could surpass human intelligence. These perspectives underscore the need for a more cautious and informed approach to AI development.     


  1. What’s one thing about you that others might be surprised to learn? People might be surprised to learn that I find hard manual labor highly fulfilling. One of my favorite hobbies is splitting wood. Yes, for fun, I often split wood in my backyard using an axe or splitting maul. This hobby has led me to acquire four different axes with varying wedge angles and weights, as well as three splitting mauls ranging from 6 to 12 pounds. My neighbors probably think I’m eccentric or that I belong in the 1800s or living off the grid, but there's something incredibly satisfying about working up a good sweat and watching the pieces of wood fly when I swing the axe. Plus, I always have a supply for a camping trip or bonfire with friends at home. Friends and neighbors have offered me wood splitters and curiously questioned the piles of wood stacked behind my garage, and they’re always shocked when I tell them I enjoy splitting it by hand.



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