
Revolutionize Veterinary Imaging with the OTOM Mine Alnu

Introducing the OTOM Mine Alnu, an FDA-approved* handheld x-ray generator designed to meet the demands of veterinary practices. Operating wirelessly at 80kv and weighing under 6 pounds, this device is perfect for orthopedics, sports medicine, and podiatry.

Key Features:

Lightweight and Portable: Weighing less than 6 pounds, it's easy to handle and transport, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.

Wireless Operation: The OTOM Mine Alnu offers the convenience of wireless functionality, enhancing mobility and ease of use.

Long Battery Life: Charge with a USB-C cable to capture up to 300 images on a single charge. The dedicated charger allows a full recharge from 0-100%.

Exceptional Imaging Quality: When paired with a DR panel and laptop, it delivers top-notch imaging in a compact and cost-effective package.

Safe-Distance Sensor: Ensures optimal source-to-image distance (SID) for precise imaging.

Fast Wireless Uploads: Take and upload images wirelessly from anywhere for rapid diagnosis.

AI Image Enhancement: Built-in AI enhances image accuracy and clarity, ensuring detailed and reliable results.

Safety Verified: Approved for extremity use through a rigorous 3-year verification process.

Transform your veterinary imaging with the OTOM Mine Alnu—compact, powerful, and ready to deliver exceptional results wherever you need them


22 days ago
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Turtles get X-Rays too!

The purpose of World Turtle Day is to educate people about the things that they can do to protect the habitats of turtle and tortoises. The day was created as a yearly observance to help people celebrate and protect turtles and tortoises and their disappearing habitats around the world. The day is celebrated in a number of ways all over the world from dressing up as turtles or wearing green summer dresses, to saving turtles caught on highways, to research activities. Turtle Day lesson plans and craft projects encourage teaching about turtles in classrooms.

Radiography of turtles is routinely used for evaluation of traumatic injuries and the gastrointestinal and reproductive tract. An x-ray exam typically includes lateral and dorsoventral views. Additional collimated views of areas of interest are often obtained in specific species like the craniocaudal view   to complete the study.

Unlike dogs or cats, whole-body radiographs are taken of turtles in order to visualize the entire main body cavity. In addition, horizontal beam radiographs of turtles and tortoises are important for visualization of the lungs. Turtles can undergo x-ray exams awake, but general anesthesia is sometimes required to ensure good-quality positioning. Conscious turtles and tortoises have the ability to hold their extremities and head within or close to their shells. In the instance of fracture, sedation or anesthesia may be needed to relax the neck or extremity and isolate it, avoiding superimposition with the shell, for a more complete evaluation. Radiographs provide critical information that can greatly affect the outcome of rehabilitation efforts

Z&Z Medical is proud to offer the imaging tools necessary for imaging turtles and tortoises. Popular items like Cassette Holders, Vinyl Bolsters, Radiation Protection items, and other Immobilizers are available on our website and also in the Veterinary section on our website to browse the many accessories that we offer.

1 month ago
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Pawsitively Essential: The Role of Sandsocks in Veterinary Radiology

Today, let's talk about something that's not just for humans but also for our furry friends: sandsocks. Yep, those nifty tools that can make a world of difference in getting those perfect X-ray images of our four-legged pals. Here's why having sandsocks in your veterinary radiology toolkit is a must-have for nailing those positions just right.

Tail-Wagging Versatility Sandsocks are like the Swiss Army knives of veterinary imaging. Need to support a pup's leg for a clear shot? Sandsock. Got a curious kitty who won't sit still for her X-ray? Sandsocks to the rescue. They're versatile, adaptable, and ready to tackle any positioning challenge that comes your way, whether you're working with dogs, cats, or even exotic critters.

Comfort for Our Furry Patients

Just like us, animals want to feel safe and comfy during their vet visits. Sandsocks help with that. They're like those supportive pals who give you a hug when you need it most. They mold to the animal's body, providing gentle support without causing any stress or discomfort. It's like a cozy blanket for your pet during their X-ray session.

We all know how tricky it can be to keep our furry patients still during X-rays. With sandsocks in your toolkit, those wiggles and squirms become a thing of the past. By keeping animals steady as a rock, sandsocks minimize movement during imaging, reducing the need for retakes and ensuring quicker, smoother procedures for both pets and their human companions.

Always Ready ….

Picture this: You're in the middle of a busy day in the veterinary radiology department, and suddenly, you need something to secure a dog's leg in place for an X-ray. Instead of scrambling to find something makeshift, you reach for a trusty sandsock. It's right there, ready to save the day. That's the beauty of having these little helpers on hand – they're always there when you need them most, making life easier for both you and your furry patients.

Sandsocks for the Win  Sandsocks might not be the stars of the show, but they sure know how to steal the spotlight when it counts. From keeping pets comfy to nailing those tricky imaging x-ray positions, sandsocks are the unsung heroes of veterinary radiology. So, next time you're stocking up on supplies for your clinic, don't forget to give these little guys the credit they deserve. Your furry patients will thank you for it!

Visit and order you some sandsocks today and see the difference it will make!

2 months ago
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April 27 is World Veterinary Day

World Veterinary Day is celebrated on April 27th, to recognize the contributions of veterinarians around the world and to raise awareness about the important role they play in the health and well-being of animals and humans. At Z&Z Medical, we are proud to support the veterinary community and to provide the tools and equipment they need to care for animals.

Veterinarians play a vital role in the health and welfare of animals. They provide medical care, perform surgeries, and diagnose and treat a wide variety of conditions. They also play an important role in public health, by ensuring that animals are free from diseases that can be transmitted to humans.

To support the veterinary community, Z&Z Medical offers a wide range of veterinary-specific x-ray equipment, ultrasound machines, and other medical equipment. Our products are designed to meet the unique needs of veterinary professionals, and are built to the highest standards of quality and durability. We also provide training and support to ensure that our customers are able to use our products effectively.

In addition to offering equipment and support, we are also committed to promoting the welfare of animals. We understand that animals play an important role in our lives, and we believe that they deserve the best possible care. We are proud to support veterinarians and other animal care professionals as they work to improve the lives of animals around the world.

On World Veterinary Day, we would like to take a moment to thank veterinarians for their dedication and hard work. They play a critical role in the health and well-being of animals, and we are proud to support them in their efforts. We are committed to continuing to provide the tools and equipment they need to care for animals, and to promoting the welfare of animals worldwide.


2 months ago
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Is it time to add a Medical Ice & Water Dispenser to your Department?

Experience the ultimate in convenience with the commercially approved Accucold Medical Countertop Water and Ice dispenser. The AIWD160 Measuring just 17.5 inches from the front leg to the unit rear makes this a perfect fit on standard counters, with a slim width under 14 inches. This unit can produce up to 160 pounds of ice per day for any medical office, clinic or radiology department. Three dispenser functions - ice, water, or ice+water - provide expanded functionality, while the illuminated display ensures easy access and control of the unit. The removable tray and sealed back make for easy cleaning. This unit comes equipped with UV lighting in the dispenser.

With its countertop footprint and large production output, the AIWD160 is the perfect unit for hospital waiting areas, medical clinics, urgent cares, break rooms, or similar settings looking for a Medical water and ice dispenser that is attractive and efficient. Perfect for Patients and Staff. Order yours today from Z&Z Medical 

2 months ago
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