Make Radiology Procedures Fun for Kids

Make Radiology Procedures Fun for Kids
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Make Radiology Procedures Fun for Kids

X-ray departments can be intimidating for children. It's our job to make sure that we make it as fun as possible and help calm the fears of our younger patients. So what you need are some accessories that make your job even easier when working with children. Z&Z Medical has a wide array of pediatric accessories for creating a warm, enjoyable environment for kids.

Pediatric Radiation Protection Blankets are a great option for decreasing mobility and radiation protection , Kitten, Bear, and Lady Bug options - these all-purpose lead blankets come designed as child-friendly blankets that take a little bit of the worry out of an x-ray procedure. Who doesn't instantly feel at ease with a lady bug around? Our half aprons and thyroid collars also come in sizes specifically designed for small children, including your choice of colorful options. We offer a wide array of other shielding options like breast shields and spinal stoles for pediatric spine imaging.

Our new stethoscope covers are like little stuffed animals that you put around your stethoscope to keep a child's mind occupied during procedures. They're a big hit with kids and they exceed all child safety standards.

Z&Z Medical carries a wide array of colorful medical tables, carts, and tables to add an element of fun into your pediatric care unit.  Fun and wacky signs add a touch of pizazz to any hallway or waiting room.  We also have a wide array of PVC products to assist our smaller patients.

The best way to be prepared for pediatric patients to is make sure that your facility has the right accessories on hand. Check out our Radiation Protection, Pediatric Immobilizers,  and Furniture section on our website and make us your one-stop source for all Pediatric Radiology Supplies and Accessories.


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