Happy Birthday Teresa Quirante

Happy Birthday Teresa Quirante
Posted in: Company

Happy Birthday Teresa Quirante

We asked our employees two questions this year as they reflect on their birthday and purpose. 

  1. If you could raise awareness about one thing, what would it be? For me, it would be Alzheimer’s awareness. Having lived through the impact of this horrible disease with my mother, I believe its crucial to foster the understanding, empathy, and open conversations surrounding Alzheimer’s and the caregivers who have to deal with it day in and day out with their loved ones. There is support out there, but there is so much more to do. Supporting and advocating for research is paramount to find a way to cure or slow down this horrible disease.


  1. What’s one thing about you that others might be surprised to learn? That I LOVE weightlifting and obstacle courses. The thrill of weightlifting lies in the transformative challenge that it presents to both the body and the mind. It demands physical strength and discipline which ultimately fosters a sense of accomplishment as you surpass your personal limits.  Obstacle courses on the other hand provide an exhilarating blend of strategy, athleticism, strength, and overcoming mental barriers. I love navigating through challenging obstacles and the thrill of the experience. Both offer a sense of achievement and rush of adrenaline that I love even at the age of 59!
8 months ago
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