Do You Have Some Burning Questions?

Radiology Supplies
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Do You Have Some Burning Questions?

Have you ever had a burning question while navigating a website?  We have and that is why Z&Z Medical has an Online Live Chat available to answer your immediate questions.  With literally thousands of products available on our website, we try our best to provide as much detailed information as we can so you can make the best choice for your purchase. However, we also understand that the information that we provide may sometimes not be enough and you may still have a question.  The best part is you are chatting with real people not computer automated responses! 

Radiology Supplies

How does the live chat work?  It’s really easy.  Simply visit our website and click on the “Live Chat” button at the bottom left hand corner of your screen.  You will be asked to provide your email address, then go ahead and type in your question. When you click on this button, you will be connected to one of our customer service representatives at the office who will try their best to answer your question, on the spot.  This makes online purchasing easy and helps us better serve your needs. 

Our customer service representatives are ready and willing to answer those burning questions 8:00 – 4:15 pm Monday through Friday.  If you have a question outside these hours, you can email your questions to and we will get back to you during normal business hours.

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