A NEW Handheld MRI Wand that CAN GO INSIDE the MRI Suite

A NEW Handheld MRI Wand that CAN GO INSIDE the MRI Suite
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A NEW Handheld MRI Wand that CAN GO INSIDE the MRI Suite

A NEW Portable Hand Held Patient Screener that Can be used INSIDE Zone 4 of MRI Facilities!  A portable Hand-held Patient Screener with operator settings, allows the detection of magnetic metal masses or magnetic and non-magnetic metals at the same time. This is the ONLY hand-held MRI patient screening device capable of separately detecting both ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic metallic item. Detector provides protection from both adverse magnetic field interaction (projectile effect) and potential RF-induced metallic heating. The PD240CH-Z4 is designed to be entirely non-ferromagnetic, AND can be used inside the MRI room (zone 4) without the risk to be attracted or damaged by the magnet without comprising performance or creating a potential projectile risk! Visit our website to learn more!

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